Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Jerusalem Pictures

Hrmmph. All my friends are blogging on time! Laurie over at is also in exile, but she's blogging. Aunt Laya over at is still blogging from exile. And my pal who lives here in Jerusalem at is blogging. Waaaaaaa! I'm the only one who doesn't have regular computer access for blogging. Or the time and/or energy.

Mostly just keeping the kids amused or busy this week. I did manage to get out to a meeting about the starting a university with the Gal Einei Institute ( Other than that, I went to Geula to try to get some funds to help pay for the food that my SIL's family is so graciously providing us for now going on 2 1/2 weeks. The give-away was already finished, and the sign said, "Na lo lhafriah", or "Please don't disturb", so I didn't bother asking if that meant that no more applications at all were being accepted, or if only that day was finished. I don't like rude signs.

Over a week ago my friend Elana Rozenman invited me and other Tsfat ladies to a dinner at the Clayman's that was originally dedicated to the Sderot women who have been putting up with Kassam rockets for 5.5 years already! The setting was stunning:

This was the view from the balcony where we were treated to a gala barbeque dinner.

That's Mrs. Clayman in the sky blue turban and dress. What an amazing gift for charity they have!

These pics haven't been edited at all, since I'm not home. I don't have my programs, my computer, among other things. I can't get much done on my business, since I insist on all my programs being legal (it is for business, after all), and they all have a limited number of activations. I tried getting a laptop.. but the Ctrl button stuck. The rentals are all rented. Most people don't have the IIS installed on their systems even with XP Pro, and since most people aren't actually legal with their Windows, they can't just install it. Without IIS, I could install Apache server, but I really fobbed getting Cold Fusion set up properly with it. In other words, this lady really, really needs her vewy own waptop!

That was a long way of saying these photos are larger than usual and probably not balanced regarding light, etc.

Also, still have no tripod, thanks to one of the girls in Tsfat who borrowed it to video the 8th grade graduation show. I do hope she'll take it to heart as soon as we're all back home and replace my tripod which she broke.

That's about it right now. I'm not the greatest blogger. I really like posting the photos and short blurb. I do have my card reader, which makes it easier to post photos, but when it's not your own puter.... ah exile. Doesn't make great press, though. No real hardships.

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