Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Doors of Safed Old City

I hadn't seen this one before. A couple of galleries moved here, which is right across from "Gan Hakasum", the Enchanted Park. When our kids were little, we used to call it "suicide park" due to rock structures and sharp inclines.

Anyway, a couple of galleries moved in, and this lovely doorway leads into a courtyard with scultpures, artwork, and a cafe. Some beautiful works of art there. Coming back out, the door is just as lovely:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy Hannukah from Safed!

May your Hanukka be bright and light and fill you with inspiration!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Kitty Cat in Safed

The life of a cat in the Old City!

Fall grape leaves, snoozing in the sun. Truly a cat's life.