Friday, February 27, 2009

Almond Blossoms (shkedia) in Adar

These almond trees are above the cemetary. You can see Mt. Meron from here, the gravesite of the Ari, or north to Lebanon (yes, we're that close).

The almond tree blossoms are a favorite sign that spring is on the way.

Of course, I may yet get to post snow pictures for this year ;).

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Tu B'Shvat Sameach! Tree day!

Trees, tree, trees!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Spring is springing in Safed

The kalaniot (anenomes) weren't up when I walked to work yesterday, but they were up when I left work. Caught this beauty in the rays of the setting sun.

This was the first almond tree I saw in blossom on the way home the day before that. Yesterday I already saw lots more beginning to bloom.

And just to keep us guessing, it rained on Sunday. We need more rain.