Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Once in 24 years, or so they tell me: The New Moon with Mars and Venus

I don't have a telephoto lens (don't have an SLR), and I kept getting a bit of jiggle in my camera when I took the pictures, even on a tripod, but you get the idea. It was really neat.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

In Memory of Rabbi and Mrs. Holzberg z"l

May their precious souls be a light to all of us in this difficult, dark world.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Belated Sukkot pics

There were sukkos here, and there, and everywhere!

U'morid Hagashem

Wonderful rain, rain, rain. Cleaned the air, decorated the plants, accented the green. May all our prayers be answered!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Belated Klezmer Festival Pictures

I always love Klezmer Festival in Tsfat: the party comes to us. Okay, it's crowded, transportation is a mess, and the trash piles up. But what a great way to spend an evening! Walking around in the cooler night air, eating ice cream, looking at crafts, listening to all kinds of Jewish music. We went up each of the three nights (advantage of older kids), and I was outrageously tired for work every day!

Udi Davidy (above) was by far my favorite music act we heard. Each of the members of his band is an excellent musician in his own. Plus his style is very rock n roll, to which I long ago sold my soul. We enjoyed a 2 hour concert at the main Saraya stage until 1 am.

Different crafts (above three pictures) are featured at several areas of vendor tables. Prices are steep, but some of it is one of a kind work (our favorite perfume suppliers from Yishuv Itamar come in for Klezmer and we stock up on natural perfume).

Ben Snoof and his band (above) are Tsfat based. Also quite enjoyable, I finally got to purchase his disc.

My fair city at night, all abuzz from the Klezmer Festival. Party!

Fireworks nightly. Reminds me of ... well, there wasn't any Tinkerbell doing a finale from the Magic Castle.

Street scenes abounded. Our kids used to be happy with these little glow toys, too. This year my favorite to watch was this glow bubble gun: pressing on the trigger lit up the gun and blew bubbles. What fun! Even the babies are having a great time at the party!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Abu Hav Synagogue

Under exposure does wonders in the afternoon on the bright stones of the Old City. Normally the stones look very flat due to how much light is reflected in full sun.

Managed to capture these pictures of the front of the AbuHav synagogue by underexposing the image.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Blue Tsfat

Blue is so much the color of Tsfat, that instead of a white picket fence, you have a blue picket fence.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Time in the Galilee - Tsfat is in Flower

This is the type of beautiful late afternoon view I get while walking home from work. How wonderous are Your works, oh Creator!

This lovely patch of varied flowers and greens is on my way to and from work also. There's noplace as lovely as the Galilee in the spring!

Caught this view from a cab one day. The view is looking south from the eastern edge of town. The haze sort of hides the Sea of Galilee behind the forest ridge. On a clear day you can see forever.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow in Tsfat

Here are some pics from this morning. As of now, more light snow is falling. My kids are pleased. I walked in to work to take pics and get out of the house a bit. I didn't bring my laptop in, so these are unedited.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Trinkets in Tsfat

In one of the alleys, I think it's the Yosef Caro alley, there's a bunch of galleries and stores in a row. And then at one junction, there's a trinket seller. Sometimes you can find some really neat stuff among the trinkets.

Doggie in Artist Quarter Alley, Safed

Reminds me of a joke. An Israeli is out walking his dog with his Anglo immigrant friend. After a few blocks, the Anglo immigrant has a very sad look on his face. The Israeli asks him what's wrong. "Even your dog understands Hebrew better than me."

Okay, it doesn't translate that well ;). I thought this doggie looked pretty cute in the Artist's Quarter.

If you're lucky, we might get snow pictures sometime in the next few days. However, the snowline will have to drop a few more hundred feet. Some cars arrived from the Canaan neighborhood today with at least an inch of unmelted snow on them, but it was only rainy here. By afternoon the skies were freezing blue again.